Monday, July 23, 2012

Murder & Single Malt, a novel written by Mark Anderson Esquire

Murder & Single Malt, a novel written by Mark Anderson Esquire, is an interesting insight into the mind of serial killer Mike Baker.  Baker is a twisted psychopathic killer who selects his victims at random and for no particular reason.  The novel takes you through Bakers life, as he goes about committing his kills via his twisted thoughts and rationale.  Mark Esquire puts a superficial spin on Baker that follows his kills but only briefly describes the acts.  There is no gore to the story and the descriptive narrative leaves the reader trying to fill in that void by resorting to his own imagination. 

Murder & Single Malt is an entertaining novel and found to be worth the “read”.  While it easily passes the “50 Page Rule”, there was little to be had that one would call a page turner.  Murder &Single Malt is a book you can easily dog ear a page corner and put down until you have nothing better to do.
What is terribly annoying about Murder & Single Malt are the continuous and numerous typos.  If there was one, there were a dozen.  The most laughable was a paragraph that had Baker grabbing the throat of a victim, and beginning to employ the kill, with his bear hands.  Gee, Microsoft Word Grammar check has just highlighted that and suggested that bare be substituted.  Was there no review by the publisher?  The publisher, Red Publishing, offers an ABOUT THE AUTHOR, excerpt at the end of the book and lets us know that, “When not writing fiction Mark can be found tending to the sick, healing leapers and casting out demons”.  How does one heal a leaper anyway?

Murder & Single Malt is Mark’s first foray into the world of published novels.  Not bad.  Mayhaps Mark may consider a sequel and let us catch up on the latest in Mike Baker’s life.  I would read it.  It would be interesting to see Baker employed in the business world and relapsing occasionally into the world of a serial killer.  Just let’s hope Red Publishing is not involved.

Book was read and reviewed by Dan Sims in association with Like to Share Pages
July 19, 2012

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