Up until a few years ago, LinkedIn was only seen as the place where professionals networked. Today, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for B2B marketers with some of the deepest ad targeting capabilities in the social media universe. Read on to find out if marketing on Linkedin is right for your business.
What is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with 250 million users to date. The site takes pride in its niche - allowing professionals to build their identities online, stay in touch with other professionals they’ve met, discover new job opportunities and gather content that matters to them.
Why would businesses use LinkedIn?
LinkedIn company pages allow businesses to post statuses and update their audiences with thought leadership material and news about the company. LinkedIn is used heavily for recruiting new employees - so if your business is growing, make sure you have a well-rounded presence on LinkedIn with a company page.
In addition, LinkedIn is an extremely valuable tool for B2B marketers. According to Social Media Today, half of LinkedIn’s members are decision makers - that means the audience you need to sell products and services is already gathering on LinkedIn. Hubspot also reported that almost 70% of B2B companies have acquired a customer through LinkedIn - those are some pretty great odds.
How can I get started?
1. If you haven’t already, sign up for an individual profile. Regardless of your profession, having a presence on LinkedIn requires little work and offers a vast opportunity for professional networking. You can sign up here.
2. Build out your personal profile. Your profile is much like your resume. Rather than having your last job as your headline, write a little something about yourself. “Business professional and entrepreneur” or “Mom by day and business owner by night,” write whatever makes sense to you. Make it witty to attract a little more attention.
3. Create a Company Page. As I mentioned above, company pages help other LinkedIn members, job seekers and people in your network learn about your business. Active company pages often gain a following and can help you build another audience for your brand.
4. Create a content strategy. Decide how often you’re going to post, create a schedule and stick to it. On LinkedIn, I would post once every day or two to start and see what kind of engagement you get. This can be anything from interesting articles that relate to your industry to news about your company.
5. Invest in a following. If gaining a large audience on LinkedIn is important, you should invest in LinkedIn ads. Advertising on LinkedIn allows you to target all the way down to a single person you’re trying to connect with, which makes them an amazing business investment.
We’ll discuss LinkedIn ads and advanced strategy in the new year! If you have any questions, please feel free to browse my website at jackiesteinmetz.com or email me at jackie@jackiesteinmetz.com.